
IMDG CODE 41-22版变更汇总

IMDG CODE 国际海运危险货物规则第41-22版正在路上,根据IMO的最新建议,从2023年1月1日起就可选择使用《海运危规》第41-22号修正案的内容来指导相关的工作。 



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  • 与往常一样,这次没有重大的修改,与联合国第22版《Model regulations》也就是我们常说的桔皮书的更新保持一致。
  • 第1.2章:定义: 对现有条目有很多变更,包括新的定义:IAEA规则、内部容器、压力容器外壳和服务设备。
  • 第2部分:分类 在2.4和2.5章中列出了一种自反应物质和三种有机过氧化物的新技术名称。
  • 第3部分:危险货物一览表 添加了一个新的编码,UN 3550 (二氢氧钴粉,含有不少于10%的可呼吸颗粒),类别号6.1。

两个现有的编号,UN 1169(萃取物,芳香,液体)和UN 1197(萃取物,调味,液体)合并为UN 1197(萃取物,液体,用于风味或香气)。

UN 1891(乙基溴)由6.1类改为3类,次级危害6.1。LQ、EQ和EmS的值也随之改变。

UN 3527 (PGII和PGIII),聚酯树脂套件,固体基材,将“E0”改为“见SP340”

强酸和弱酸之间的区别被删除了。所有带有SGG1a强酸性的条目现在都包含SGG1酸性。UN 1439(重铬酸铵)是唯一包含积载编码SG75的条目,之前要求是与SGG1a -强酸“分离”,现在包含SG35,需要与所有酸分离。

  • 3.3章:特别规定:有新的条目,如un3538的SP396,含不易燃、无毒气体的物品,N.O.S, un1003的sp397,空气,压缩和un1012丁烯的SP398。特别条款188和225在措辞上有微小的改动。
  • 第4.1章:包装说明——在一些包装说明中增加了各种注释,以实现4.1.3.3中增加的新句子,该句子澄清了在使用联合国包装以外的物品时,它们不受通常400公斤的限制。

P200对氟和惰性气体的混合物有新的规定。表2中更新了UN 1008、2196和2198的LC50值,对于后两者,这增加了可能使用的压力容器的类型。


IBC07增加了新的特殊包装“B40”,为新的UN 3550提供了灵活的中型散货箱(13H3和13H4)

  • 第5部分:托运程序-要求在锂电池标记上电话号码现在被取消,过渡时期到2026年底。



  • 第6部分:包装的构造和测试——在第6部分中有许多关于包装、中型散货箱、储罐等的设计、构造和测试的变化。这些变化主要是为了澄清需求的含义和使用的术语。在第6.2章中有大量的修改,并增加了一个全新的第6.10章,涵盖了由纤维增强塑料(FRP)材料制成的外壳的便携式罐体的设计、建造、检验和测试。
  • 第7.2章:隔离—为了删除“强酸”和“酸”之间的区别,隔离代码“SG75”被删除


This summary provides an overview on some of the updates being introduced in the Amendment 41-22 edition of the IMDG Code which may be used on an optional basis from 1 January 2023.

There is a general 12-month transitional period from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023 during which the previous amendment can continue to be used.

These notes are intended to provide a brief overview of the changes being introduced and should not be regarded as a complete listing of amendments. Reference must be made to the text of Amendment 41-22 for full details of all the amendments and applicable provisions.

IMDG Code Free Summary of Changes 41-22 – Brief summary

  • Again, not an overly onerous set of changes with no major headlines
  • Harmonised with the update to Model regulations, 22nd edition
  • Chapter 1.2: Definitions: there are lots of changes to existing entries and the following new definitions: IAEA Regulations, inner vessel, pressure receptacle shell, and service equipment
  • Part 2: Classification – In chapters 2.4 and 2.5 there are new technical names listed for one self-reactive substance and three organic peroxides.
  • Part 3: DGL – There is one new addition, UN 3550 COBALT DIHYDROXIDE POWDER, containing not less than 10% respirable particles, class 6.1.

Two existing numbers, UN 1169 EXTRACTS, AROMATIC, LIQUID and UN 1197 EXTRACTS, FLAVOURING, LIQUID are merged, becoming UN 1197 EXTRACTS, LIQUID, for flavour or aroma.

UN 1891 ETHYL BROMIDE changes class from class 6.1 to class 3, sub-hazard 6.1. The LQ, EQ and EmS values change as a result.

UN 3527 (PGII and PGIII), POLYESTER RESIN KIT, solid base material, changes ‘E0’ to now read ‘See SP340’

The distinction between strong and weak acids is deleted. All entries with SGG1a strong acid now have SGG1 acid. UN 1439 AMMONIUM DICHROMATE, the only entry with SG75 Stow “separated from” SGG1a – strong acids, now has SG35 and needs to be separated from all acids.

  • Chapter 3.3: Special provisions: There are new entries, SP396 for UN 3538, ARTICLES CONTAINING NON-FLAMMABLE, NON-TOXIC GAS, N.O.S., SP 397 for UN 1003, AIR, COMPRESSED and SP398 for UN 1012 BUTYLENE. There are minor wording changes to special provisions 188 and 225.
  • Chapter 4.1: Packing instructions – There are various notes added to several packing instructions to implement the new sentence added to which clarifies that when items other than UN packages are used they are not subject to the usual 400 kg limit.

P200 has new provisions for mixtures of fluorine and inert gases. The LC50 values are updated in table 2 for UN 1008, 2196 and 2198, and for the latter two this increases the types of pressure receptacle that may be used.

P621 part (1) now allows non-removable head drums and boxes.

IBC07 has a new special packing ‘B40’ added providing use of flexible IBCs (13H3 and 13H4) for the new UN 3550

  • Part 5: Consignment – The requirement to show the telephone number on the lithium battery mark is now removed, with a transitional period until the end of 2026.

‘Molten’ substances must now be identified as part of the information that supplements the PSN in the dangerous goods description

There is a new generic requirement to ensure that in all instances where a special provision requires additional information this is noted on the transport document 

  • Part 6: Construction and testing of packagings – There are numerous changes in Part 6 concerning the design, construction, and testing of packagings, IBCs, tanks etc. These changes are in the main to clarify the meaning of the requirements and to the terminology used. The changes are extensive in chapter 6.2 and there a brand-new chapter 6.10 is added covering the design construction, inspection and testing of portable tanks with shells made of fibre-reinforced plastics (FRP) materials.
  • Chapter 7.2: Segregation – In line with the deletion of the distinction between ‘Strong acids’ and ‘Acids, segregation code ‘SG75’ is removed